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We practice contemplative ecology, meeting for worship outdoors year-round, rain or shine, at locations around our watershed.
We meet for worship each week on Saturday, on the second Saturday of the month we meet at 10:30 AM with friends and Indigenous allies, at Kwekwecnewtxw, the traditional Coast Salish Watch House, on Burnaby Mountain. Most other Saturdays we meet in person or via zoom at 4 PM. We celebrate Quarter and cross-Quarter Days (equinox, solstice and mid-points). Through outdoor worship, we seek transformative encounters with the species and geography of the Fraser River to Salish Sea basin, and the wider Cascadia bioregion. We explore wilderness, sustainability, and justice themes in Christian scriptures and Anglican social teaching, and we learn about our roots and roles as individuals and as a church, in the multi-racial, labour, and Indigenous-Settler history of lower-mainland British Columbia.
To find out when and where we are meeting next go to Upcoming Events or email