Fill in the Blank Eucharistic Prayer

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Liturgy comes from two Greek words that mean “work” and “people”, worship is a thing we do together, it is not a performance with an audience. 

This Eucharistic Prayer or Communion Prayer is a Fill in the Blank prayer—which you might not have done before so we are going to practice. When I leave a blank and gesture to you, your part of the work is to share what you know, what you remember, what you pray for.

Let’s Practice
This is the part of the prayer where we say the names of people we love:
Presider gestures and community responds

This is the part of the prayer where we say something that makes us sad:
Presider gestures and community responds. Early in the prayer the presider can prompt with examples at each pause but as the prayer progresses and as it is used more often this will be less necessary. 

Now we’ll begin, some of the words will be familiar to some of you and some will be new because we are making the prayer together. Whichever way you join in is the right way.

Presider: May God be with you.
People: And also with you.
Presider: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them to God.
Presider: Let us give thanks to God who made us
People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. 

It is right to give God thanks and praise at all times and in all places, This is the part of prayer where we name the place where we are right now:

This is the part of the prayer where—in the whole span of time, and the different ways we think about time like seasons or years or hours on a clock—we say when are we are praying: 

Loving God we thank you that you have always been working in the world. This is when we remember and name all the good things that God has done from the beginning of time right up until Jesus was born: 

God because you are so good, we praise you, we say how good you are. But we don’t do that alone, we praise you with other voices from your creation: (like mountains and rabbits)

We praise you with holy people and ordinary people we have loved and who love you but are not alive any more: (like St Francis, my mum)

And with angels, creation, and the good people who have loved you we say/sing words that the church has sung for nearly 2000 years:

Holy holy holy One
God of Power and Might
Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory
Hosanna in the Highest
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God
Hosanna in the highest

We thank you especially God for your child Jesus and we remind each other of the stories from Jesus’ life:

We remember the many times that Jesus ate with people:

And at meal on the night before he was arrested:

Jesus took (bread)______________  

And he (blessed)_________ it

And he (gave)__________ it to his friends

Saying this is (my body) ________________ given for you –whenever you eat this, do this (in remembrance of me)____________________

After supper he took the (wine)____________

And when he had blessed it

He (gave)__________ it to his friends and said

Drink this all of you this is my blood of the new covenant, the new promise, it is for you and for many

Whenever you do this, do this (in remembrance of me)__________________.

And we stretch out our hands in a blessing

Then we ask God’s Holy Spirit to come and be in this bread and this wine so that everyone who shares this meal, every one who remembers Jesus this way, will be one people, and will find Jesus at this table.



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