A Small Break for the Third Sunday After Epiphany

As the Nap Ministry says, “We believe rest is a form of resistance and name sleep deprivation as a racial and social justice issue.”

For us at Salal + Cedar, that means it is important that we recognize the limitations of our staff and volunteer time. For Wild Lectionary this more specifically means that sometimes we haven’t been able to line up a writer for a particular week. Instead of scrambling to either find someone or take time from other parts of our lives, we opt to skip a week. Even two weeks. We know that this can seem strange in a world of constant content and social media rules about the importance of consistency. And while we would like to provide consistent content, we value and prioritize the capacity of our team, knowing that sometimes we simply won’t have it. And this is such a week.

We deeply appreciate your ongoing support of The Wild Lectionary and we look forward to building the sustainable movement that will continue to be life-giving to our team and to you.

And as a small note for preachers, we invite you to also consider how you may be able to include more rest into your schedule to support yourself and your life-giving ministries.


Romanticization of the land: Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, year 'C'


First Sunday After Epiphany Year C: Married to the Land