Text reads "Wild Lectionary, A Preacher's Environmental Resource" over loose green watercolour of a set of hills and trees

Wild Lectionary is for those who want to preach on climate justice themes. In scripture, landforms, skies, waterways, and creatures are transformed. In the world around us they are transformed as well by the advancing global climate crisis. Repeatedly we are called to attend to the wisdom of the more-than-human world. Each week a different contributor offers commentary on the lectionary readings, suggestions for preaching, and links to additional material. We hope you will use and share these resources.

Advent 2B Wilderness: the Entrance Way to Hope
Rev. Dr. Victoria Marie Rev. Dr. Victoria Marie

Advent 2B Wilderness: the Entrance Way to Hope

Wilderness, desert, valleys, mountains, hills, grass, flowers, flocks, heaven, earth, fire, river, insects: the lectionary readings are full of images from the more than human world. Every year the second week of Advent tells us a different version of the wilderness prophet John the Baptizer and the themes of water, wilderness, and repentance speak powerfully to the realities of pollution, extinction and human-caused climate change.

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