Wonder Box Curriculum: WATER
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Wonder Box Curriculum: WATER
Lent 3 Year C, Baptisms, Earth Day and other water-themed occasions
Salal + Cedar Wonder Box Curricula are designed for multi-age groups with the intention of growing children’s love of God’s creation. They bring together inspiration and wisdom from Messy Church, Godly Play and Forest Schools. If at all possible, we encourage you to meet outside.
Before the children arrive
One adult or youth leader should have reviewed the materials and be prepared to tell the story. It can also be helpful for volunteers assisting at different stations to have a chance to look over the instructions and materials ahead of time. Convene the circle or class as is your usual custom. Prior to the participants’ arrival set up as many exploration stations as you are able to manage with the time, equipment and helpers that you have. Some can be messy; all involve water.
Focus Time with Words and Actions
You will need a blue cloth or scarf to represent water, a clear bowl, a jar or jug of water and a large clam or oyster shell if you live near the ocean. You can also have cups or glasses to give people water to drink if you want.
To see the whole lesson, download the PDF.